Product Description

Illusion 2


Designed and tuned by the motto Fly in Peace

The first Illusion made many pilots happy and has gained an extraordinary reputation during the years. Therefore our goal by the development was to maintain simple flight characteristics and user-friendliness while at the same time shifting the performance. The Illusion 2 benefits from the latest technologies and development experience of our current gliders, it is user friendly, easy to fold and carry.

Situated in the middle of the B category the Illusion 2 perfectly fits between the Muse 5 and Eden 7. Reliable in all situations the Illusion 2 excels in glide performance, stability and handling in whole weight range.


The canopy combine solid and semi-lightweight tissues. On a heavily stressed leading edge is used Skytex 38. The main part of the canopy uses Skytex 32 Universal and Skytex 32 Hard on ribs. The Nitinol rod system of rib reinforcement provides optimal rigidity of the canopy and guarantees the stability of the clean canopy surface, even if the wing is carelessly glider packed.

Construction and details

The canopy itself is designed for maximum aerodynamic cleanliness. It features: Triple positive 3D shaping, negative 3D leading edge shaping, mini-ribs on the trailing edge and newly shaped stabilizers. Optimized diameter and material of ARAMID sheathed lines warranty correct geometry of AOA during glider's life. Canopy shape, 52 cells, internal structure, diagonal ribs, line geometry - all have been optimized to provide the canopy sufficient rigidity, ensuring stability and a pleasant and comfortable flight in turbulent air.
The stability in accelerated mode is exceptional.

For who?

Are you looking to enjoy and expand your flying experiences while safely progressing in your flying career? The Illusion 2 is suitable for a wide range of pilots. From first thermalling flights to long cross-country adventures, the glider offers impressive performance. 


The glide performance, maneuverability and stability are excellent in the entire weight range.

Experienced pilots will be surprised by Illusion’s glide ratio but the safety is the most important feature of the Illusion.

Fun Factor

At take off, in flight and during landings it will always react the way you are expecting. The Illusion 2 convinces by its precise handling and smooth behavior in the air. The Mac Para R&D Team made a priority designing the Illusion 2 to continue the tradition of safety by added performance and ease of use. We know how peaceful the glider feels in active air.
You will be very pleased with the exemplary flight behavior when recovering from collapses while completing the SIV course. The glider is suitable for first attempts at acro maneuvers (SAT, helico or deep stalls).


The most difficult part is picking your favorite Color and Size. If you need help your local MAC PARA dealer will help you choosing the right size to maximize the performance of your new Illusion 2. The glider is available in 3 serial designs and 6 different sizes covering the weight range from 55 kg to 145 kg. For an extra charge you can choose out of a wide range of different colors and make personal design of your Illusion 2.

You can order this product in our online store


Illusion 2 22 (XS) 24 (S) 26 (M) 28 (L) 30 (XL) 33 (XXL)
Zoom flat [%] 88 92 96 100 104.5 109.5
Area flat [m2] 21.68 23.70 25.80 28.00 30.58 33.57
Area projected [m2] 19.10 20.87 22.71 24.66 26.93 29.57
Span flat [m] 10.67 11.16 11.64 12.13 12.68 13.28
Aspect ratio flat 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25
Root cord [m] 2.53 2.65 2.76 2.88 3.01 3.15
Cells 52 52 52 52 52 52
Weight [kg] 3.95 4.20 4.45 4.80 5.05 5.40
Weight range *[kg] 55 - 77 70 - 90 80 - 100 89 - 110 105 - 130 115 - 145
Weight range *[lbs] 121 - 170 154 - 198 176 - 220 196 - 243 231 - 287 254 - 320
Min. speed [km/h] 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25
Trim speed [km/h] 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39
Top speed (accelerator)[km/h] 48 - 49 48 - 49 48 - 49 48 - 49 48 - 49 48 - 49
Glide ratio +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
Min. sink rate [m/s] 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

* pilot equipped = weight naked + approx. 20 kg (44 lbs)

Used Materials

Item Material
Surface Top/Bottom Leading Edge: Skytex 38 Universal - 38 g/m2
Surface Top Trailing Edge: Skytex 32 Universal - 32 g/m2
Surface Bottom Trailing Edge: Skytex 27 Classic II - 27 g/m2
Main ribs: Skytex 32 Hard - E29A, 32 g/m2
Diagonal ribs: Skytex 32 Hard - E29A, 32 g/m2
Minor ribs: Skytex 32 Hard - E29A, 29 g/m2
Upper lines: Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 8000U-70;
7343 -75kg; -90kg
Main lines: Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 7343 -190kg; 230kg;

The Illusion 2 is manufactured using the paragliding industries well established lightweight material with excellent durability; Skytex 27, 32 and 38 from Porcher Sport (NCV). For the supporting and diagonal ribs we use Skytex 32 Hard with “hard finish” coating E29A. This gives the advantage of a sail that is both lightweight and very durable.

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Illusion 2 - Review from Thermik

Illusion 2 - Review from Thermik

Fast acht Jahre ist es her, dass Mac Para mit dem Illusion einen Basisintermediate präsentierte. In Folge deckte der leistungsstarke Einsteigerschirm Muse auch den Basisintermediatebereich bei Mac Para ab. 2023 war es dann soweit, ein neuer Low EN-B, der Illusion 2, wurde präsentiert ...

Norbert Aprissnig
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Illusion 2 Report by Ziad Bassil

Illusion 2 Report by Ziad Bassil

A light but reliable companion, for flying in big mountains. No stress, cool reactions, forgiving, and nice brake authority. Good overall performance to get the job done. I don’t know why, but after flying Illusion 2 I keep thinking of my lovely and peaceful Golden retriever…as if they share the same character…

Ziad Bassil
Ziad Bassil
Dust of the universe
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Illusion 2 - Review from Parapente - Vuelo Libre

Illusion 2 - Review from Parapente - Vuelo Libre

Sonrisa. Una B intermedia ágil, rápida y semi-ligera, con un mando directo y preciso. Si la comparamos con la EN-B alta de Mac Para, la Eden 7, es más compacta y asequible en todos los sentidos, casi iguala su planeo y está dotada de un giro maniobrable y alegre, pero con una segurida pasiva y solidez general aun mayor. Permite pilotar con las bandas traseras.

Mario Arqué
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1920 x 1080
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6000 x 4547
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5052 x 3172
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4021 x 6025
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4509 x 6756
12 MB
6000 x 4000
12 MB
6000 x 4000
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Included with the glider

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