Mit dem Charger präsentiert Mac Para ein neues Motorschirmmodell mit Reflexprofil. Der Charger verbindet die Einfachheit und Sicherheit des aktuellen Einsteigergeräts Muse 4 mit der Technologie moderner Reflexschirme.
Als Full-Reflex Schirm mit EN Zulassung ist der Charger zusätzlich für das freie Fliegen nutzbar. Der Intermediate ist dabei auch für talentierte Anfänger geeignet. Zielgruppe sind Piloten die hauptsächlich mit Motor unterwegs sind, aber gelegentlich auch frei fliegen.
Das ausgereifte Reflexprofil ermöglicht eine Maximalgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 60 Km/h. Er glänzt zudem durch ein besonders gutes Startverhalten. Für die Steuerung im Fullreflexmodus ist eine zusätzliche Wing-Tip Steuerung vorhanden. Der neue Charger ist für Schulung und Einsteiger ebenso geeignet wie für erfahrene Motorschirmpiloten, die die Verbindung von Einfachheit, Sicherheit und guter Leistung bei hoher Geschwindigkeit schätzen.erwendung von hochqualitativen Materialien und konstante Qualitätskontrollen machen aus dem Pasha 6 einen Gleitschirm auf höchstem Niveau.
The Charger is a full-blooded reflex paramotoring glider. New and seasoned pilots alike will immediately feel comfortable flying the Charger and appreciate its incredibly easy launching and landing characteristics, superb stability and excellent cruising speed.
The Charger is the ultimate 'pilot friendly' paramotor wing, both in the sky and on the ground. Extremely resistant to collapse, the Charger will put you at ease and allow you to enjoy the scenery, instead of worrying 'what's next!'. And with the exciting new contemporary look of the Charger, you'll be the envy of everyone in the air!
While flying this beauty you'll notice right away that it is capable of performing everything you need to enjoy the air and not feel like your missing out.
The Charger, as with all MACPARA gliders, is designed with ease of launch in mind. Our R&D team was especially attentive to performance of the Charger during take-off, as well as, how well it flares while landing. You'll look like a pro with its no-hassle launch characteristics that will have you airborne immediately after inflation. You will be amazed at well it stays above you without a tendency to collapse or wander off course. Even in nil wind conditions, you can trust the Charger to make your landings safe and predictable. During extended flights, the light-to-moderate brake pressure allows for pleasant turns while progressively increasing toward the end of brake travel, providing a reserve of safety.
The glider is undemanding and resistant to collapse even in rough air thanks to the customized reflex airfoils.
Much attention went into the design of the Charger's airfoil, resulting in exceptional penetration and in flight stability. The smooth shape of the airfoil nose is maintained by long lasting Mylar reinforcement combined with new age plastic rods. It features excellent stability throughout the full weight and speed range. The canopy has a dampened roll tendency, but offers good flexibility and agility in turns, and the Charger will not overshoot or hang back.
With the serial risers, which include trimmers and speed system, the Charger's speed range can easily be dialed in to meet the pilot's wishes. With trimmers pulled in the Charger's climb is similar to non-reflex paragliders. With trim out, speed and penetration increase significantly. For flights of long duration in full reflex mode the Charger can be comfortably controlled using the wingtip steering handles.
They are perfectly placed on the risers and ingeniously designed to mimic the lighter forces of serial brakes.
This is an all around fun glider, perfect for playing in all conditions, with performance to spare!
The Charger comes standardly equipped with ergonomically thin, semi-rigid brake handles, including swivels, neodymium magnets, and soft loop extensions. The risers feature two pulley settings for low or high brakes depending on your paramotor. Wing tip steering handles are held in position using elastic lines and can be secured to the risers by either neodymium magnets or with press button snaps.
The use of high-quality materials and constant quality control throughout the manufacturing process produces high quality products. We use Aramid-Kevlar lines of proven series that guarantee correct geometry of your canopy throughout its life.
You can choose from four serial designs. And if you have different color preferences, you have the luxury of making your own design!
Through the use of high-grade materials along with constant attention to quality control throughout MACPARA'S manufacturing process you are assured of getting a superbly crafted paraglider.
The MACPARA Charger is guaranteed to energize you!
1. Version ist mit einem 5-Punkt-Aufhängung mit Trimmern auf den A-und D-Tragegurten ausgestattet. Die Anwendung der Trimmer auf den A-Tragegurten beschleunigt den Motorschirm. Die Trimmer auf den D-Tragegurten ändern Profil und Anstellwinkel des Schrimes in den Reihen C und D. Die geteilten A-Tragegurte ermöglichen einfaches Ohrenanlegen.
2. Version ist mit einer speziellen Metall/Aluminium-Aufhängung ausgestattet. Der Anstellwinkel wird dann vom Trike angepasst.
Die Charger Trike ist ein perfekter Motorschirm für Trikes. Die Charger Trike ist eine Klasse für sich.
Verwendung von hochwertigen Materialien, ständige Qualitätskontrollen während des gesamten Herstellungsprozesses sind für uns selbstverständlich.
Charger Trike | 38 | 42 |
Zoom [%] | 117 | 123 |
Fläche ausgelegt [m2] | 38.33 | 42.36 |
Fläche projiziert [m2] | 34.41 | 38.03 |
Spannweite ausgelegt [m] | 14.04 | 14.76 |
Streckung ausgelegt | 5.14 | 5.14 |
Flügeltiefe [m] | 3.32 | 3.5 |
Anzahl Zellen | 46 | 46 |
Schirmgewicht [kg] | 7.7 | 8.45 |
Gewichtsbereich Motorflug *[kg] | 180 - 360 | 250 - 400 |
Min. Geschwindigkeit [km/h] | 24 - 26 | 24 - 26 |
Trimmgeschwindigkeit [km/h] | 47 - 50 | 47 - 50 |
Max. Geschwindigkeit [km/h] | 55 - 57 | 55 - 57 |
Gleitzahl max. | 8.9 | 8.9 |
Min. Sinken [m/s] | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Zertifizierung | DGAC | DGAC |
Item | Material |
Obersegel Eintrittskante: | Skytex 38 Universal, 38 g/m2 |
Obersegel Hinterkante: | Skytex 38 Universal, 38 g/m2 |
Untersegel: | Skytex 38 Classic, 38 g/m2 |
Hauptrippen: | Skytex 40 Hard, 40 g/m2 |
Querverstrebungen: | Skytex 40 Hard, 40 g/m2 |
Zwischenrippen: | Skytex 38 Universal, 38 g/m2 |
Gallerieleinen: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 6843 –60 kg, –80 kg 7343 –140 kg PPSL –160 kg |
Stammleinen: | Edelrid Aramid/Kevlar 7343 –420 kg, –340 kg, –190 kg TSL – 500 kg |
The Charger Trike is manufactured using the paragliding industries well established lightweight material with excellent durability; Skytex 38, from Porcher Sport (NCV). For the less stressed areas of the sail we use Skytex 38 with E25A coating. For the supporting and diagonal ribs we use Skytex 40 Hard with “hard finish” coating E29A. This gives the advantage of a sail that is both lightweight and very durable.
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